100 Ilustrator Melawan Pandemi

For those who struggle the most.

We hear sad news everyday, but do we truly engage with it?

Addressing the harsh reality has never been easy. Kancata believes that it is one of the illustrator’s roles to bring these messages to surface, not merely to gain traction and awareness, but furthermore to engage you in a meaningful conversation.

And that is the root and spirit for these non-commission / voluntary work which were published with Bagirata, a not-for-profit platform that offers financial assistance for those in need the most in the midst of pandemic. The illustration works were based on the beneficiaries testimony.

Story 01
“The restaurant I worked for had to cut the number of employees, and one of them was me. For now, I am relying solely on my remaining savings. Apart from financing mine and my two sisters’ daily life, I also have to bear my parents’ stroke medical treatments.”

Non Commissioned Work / BagiRata
Story 01 #1
Story 01 #2
Story 01 #3

Story 02
“My employer was facing bankruptcy, his restaurant business was forced to close and all of the employees were laid off. And with the bankruptcy status, we did not get any severance package or compensation at all. Today, I am taking odd jobs just to barely make ends meet for my 4 years old and her 8 months unborn sister and their mother.”

Story 02 #1
Story 02 #2
Story 02 #3


Dicky Saputra
Dwie Judha Satria