Mutiara Biru

Crafting series of engaging illustrations from simple ideas, for an everyday magazine.

Collaborating with Agency Fish in 2018-2020 for Majalah Mutiara Biru, a Bluebird magazine that you can find in the taxi, we were challenged to create not only informative, but engaging illustrations of five recreation spots in the city.

While the idea looks simple, the creative process took three working days. We should adjust the artwork to accommodate two fundamental thoughts: it should look like a real map where the ratio is accurate, and on the other hand, its layout should feel entertaining and engaging, not like a boring old map.

Blue Bird Group
Design Agency
Agency Fish
2018 - 2020


Art Director
Srikasih Febriyanti
Dicky Saputra
Dwie judha Satria
Fahrizal Aryanto
Faishal Erman